Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NAHCR Board’s Top “Resolutions” for 2014:

Our NAHCR Board recently identified their top 5 “Resolutions” for the coming year. Here, Theresa Mazzaro, Communications Director, discusses her thoughts on why she is resolute to make these things happen.

 Why do you think it’s important to work on increasing our membership?

I can tell you upfront it’s not about the money that we collect from dues. For me personally, it’s about the patients.
Patients? That seems like a stretch to go from membership in a Healthcare Recruitment Organization to a patient. Can you expand on that?

Sure. Everything we do as a healthcare recruiter is about hiring people to care for our patients (or support those that do). I live in the Pacific Northwest but most of my family lives on the East Coast. I want the staff hired at hospitals in Maine to be just as exceptional as the staff we hire in my organization. I feel like NAHCR helps us (as healthcare recruiters) hire the best people for the best patient experience.
That makes sense. But will increasing membership alone make that happen?

No. It’s one thing to pay a fee to join a group. It’s another to become “active” and participate in all that NAHCR has to offer. We have webinars, LinkedIn and Facebook groups, and of course our National Conference (IMAGE) that bring everyone together to learn best practices that they can then take back to their organization to affect change. We also have a Directions magazine that brings thought leaders together on pertinent conversations for the betterment of our practice. We also have a certification (CHCR) that people can test for at these conferences, putting a “best in practice” stamp on what we do.

Tell me a little more about the CHCR?

CHCR stands for a Certified Healthcare Recruiter. I believe it is our industry’s statement to the “world” that we are a proven professional in healthcare recruitment. It elevates us to be held to a higher standard of best practice, knowledge, and passion for our field to have this certification (in my opinion). I’d like to see it listed on every job description throughout the country.

So people need to come to the conference? What have you learned there?

I have been able to become a better business partner to my hiring manager, sourcing specialist, interviewer, marketing and advertising “expert”, and really an overall better recruiter as a result of my the last 5 NAHCR Image conferences I have attended. I also have brought back new tools that I learned about from our vendors that help make my job easier and allow me to work “smarter” and not “harder”

So it would seem that maintaining our vendor relationships is important.

Absolutely! We have some really great tools out there that make my job SO much easier. The technology is so advanced and simple for any level (novice or advanced techies) to use. I wouldn’t know about most of these things without attending these conferences and getting dedicated time to spend with our vendors. Their support is key to helping us stay in the forefront of best practice.

At the end of the day, what advice do you have someone who wants to get more involved in NAHCR?
I believe the first step is to join. Find a local chapter as well – and join there. Listen to a webinar. Read Directions. If you are like me – you’ll be hungry for more – and we are lucky that NAHCR gives us all this…and more!