Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Keeping in Touch

It’s that time of the year again. I was reminded of this when I received my membership renewal notice from NAHCR. This will be my 2nd year of membership in the association. Whatever your specialty or area of practice in the health care industry, it’s a fact that professional memberships need to be renewed. It’s the same approach with our business relationships. We keep in touch to remind our colleagues that we are here and still involved.
The same premise extends to our personal lives. We call, text, email, skype, yahoo, facebook, tweet or google talk our family and relatives as we try to keep up with our busy lives. Touching base seems like a mundane matter but it is what binds us. It reminds us that small things do matter in the bigger cycle of life. Be it in the workplace or our daily lives, the drive to keep in touch takes up a good portion of our time. And time is a commodity that does not have a rewind button. Once you have said something, emailed or published it, the deed cannot be undone. Once it’s out there some information takes on a life of its own and is no longer yours to keep. It is the same way with our professional lives. Once you disseminate information or inform an applicant as to why she/he was not selected for the position, what has been said can no longer be deleted, recalled or removed. That’s why staying in touch with my professional association keeps me informed and grounded. So yes, I will be renewing my membership in NAHCR. And by all means I will continue to keep in touch with my friends, family and colleagues.

Belinda Rosales, RN, MSA, CHCR
NAHCR Social Media Committee Member