There was one thing that was totally unexpected. While at the conference, I received a voice mail message from a recruiter at Duke. Earlier in the year, I applied for a few positions with various organizations and one of which as Duke. (I was happy in my current role at the time; however, I was exploring potential promotional/growth opportunities.) The recruiter informed me that the hiring leaders decided to move in a different direction for the position I applied for. However; there was a Nurse Recruiter position available, and he asked if I was interested. Although I wasn’t really looking to make a lateral move, I called the recruiter back to let him know I would be interested in learning more about the opportunity. Literally a couple of hours later, I ran into a gentleman wearing a Duke Medicine shirt. I mentioned to him that I just received a call from someone at Duke, and he informed me that he was there with his wife. She was also on the elevator and introduced herself. She was one of the Associate Chief Nursing Officers at Duke and was over Nurse Recruitment. After the few minutes spent talking with her about the position, I was quite intrigued. I went back to my hotel room and officially applied for the position. To sum up the story, three months later I joined Duke University Hospital as a Nurse Recruiter.
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What about you? What is your favorite Image networking story?
Duke Medicine
NAHCR Social Media Task Force Member
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