Sunday, May 29, 2011

Here Today, Here Tomorrow; 3 Ways to Keep the Great Employees You Recruit

This post is the fourth installment in a six-part series by guest blogger, Jay Forte, Humanetrics LLC. 

Jay is scheduled to kick off the 2011 Image Conference with "The Greatness Zone" general session on Wednesday, July 13. Later in the day, Jay will present two additional sessions: “Will You Fit Here? The Talent Based Approach to Find and Hire the Right Employee” and “Intellectual Age Recruiter - Becoming a Strategic Business Partner”. Register for the Image Conference today to hear Jay! 

Here Today, Here Tomorrow; 3 Ways to Keep the Great Employees You Recruit
Jay Forte, Humanetrics LLC.

Let’s say you are really good at this talent-based approach to hiring – you have defined the performance attributes that drive success in the job, you recruited high-value candidates, you even used talent-based interviewing to assess for fit, and you hired an outstanding employee. Excellent. You are way ahead of most other companies.

So, now that you have brought in an outstanding employee, what will the organization need to do to keep this employee instead of hitting the road within 2 -3 years?

Consider these three ways to help organizations keep their best employees:

  1. Increase management/employee contact with recurring (weekly) performance feedback. Build time each week to review performance – to applaud great work and to identify areas that need improving. Also, this regular contact builds the rapport between employee and manager to be able to have a meaningful career discussion. One reason why so many good employees leave is they never have a discussion with their managers on why they should stay. Personal contact with management is critical.

  2. Share information. No one likes to work in the dark, particularly the best performers. They want and need information to be able to make meaningful and successful decisions. Increase meaningful contact with employees through a weekly management e-mail, the creation of a company intranet and regular company meetings. Meetings that add context and information give employees the details they need to know how to direct their performance and find opportunities.

  3. Provide recurring skill education. Organizations that provide education as a normal part of all roles not only encourage greater thinking, innovation and performance but also connect more powerfully with high-value employees. Employees can’t be consistently extraordinary in a changing world without constant education and training – great employees know this and expect it in their companies.
The best employees don’t want to change jobs often; they do this because the culture and management (accidentally) encourages it. When recruiting for companies or working in your company, be sure to guide the organization into ways that keep the great employees you recruit. Talk to them, share information and invest in their education; these are three ways to inspire the best employees to choose to be here today and here tomorrow.

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  1. Great information! I copied and pasted it and sent it to my Managers! Thank you Jay! I know your presentation will be wonderful!

  2. I have copied and saved this information for future reference.

    Jay, your comment that the culture and management "accidently encourage employees to leave... wonderful concept!

    Thank you Jay!
